Our Leather Style Guide

Leather has emerged as a versatile fashion component with genuine day-to-night credentials in recent seasons, no longer relegated to the outerwear category. Leather has been a logical replacement for cotton jersey as we've drawn toward more supple textiles, thanks to its silky softness and subtle tactility - yet it may also be far more lightweight than woollens or plaids. Designers have embraced it so enthusiastically this season that it's virtually become its own valuable category.

How to wear a leather jacket

The black leather jacket is a wardrobe must-have. It adds the perfect finishing touch to any ensemble. It is adaptable and suitable for every season, whether it is a bomber jacket or a blazer. In the colder months, layer a leather jacket over a sweater or sweatshirt; in the warmer months, a floral dress with a rocky edge or a pair of jeans would work. When it comes to styling a black leather jacket, the possibilities are infinite; it's a staple for a reason!

How to wear a leather skirt

The leather skirt, a once-popular texture among punk subcultures in the 1970s, reappears every autumn-winter. The leather skirt is the adaptable essential you need if you're looking for a style classic to revolve your day-to-night looks around. Intended to be worn with a feeling of empowerment and defiance, a black leather skirt is the place to start. 

The leather mini has the ability to transform a thick knit or a simple turtleneck into an eye-catching ensemble in an instant. A leather mini skirt is one of those essential pieces that fashion editors can't get enough of, either worn bare-legged or with on-trend patterned tights.

Going all out for leather isn't restricted to black; in fact, leather skirts in a variety of earth tones are a terrific way to freshen up work wardrobes while returning to the workplace.

How to wear leather shorts

Because they can be easily layered, leather shorts with a looser shape are ideal for cooler weather. For added warmth, wear a pair of tights underneath. If you want to tuck in a bulky knit sweater, there's also extra room. 

Leather shorts can be styled during the day or in the evening, but wearing them without some tights or long socks will be more difficult as autumn approaches. With a shacket or faux fur coat and heeled ankle boots, you can go take this simplistic look to the next level in your shorts. Because shorts draw attention to your legs, it's preferable to choose baggy or light tops that aren't too form-fitting.


Shop ethical leather clothing with THE-CØDED

Our latest leather collection, thoughtfully crafted by cøde 018, is a showcase of everything leather has to offer. Classic biker jackets for men and women are not the only style must-haves on offer. As well as leather skirts and shorts, 018’s products boast beautifully made suede overcoats and suede jackets.

As with all our collections, you can find out directly where your clothes are made and by whom, which is revolutionary in the online fashion industry. We’re striving to make a difference by only working with factories that have ethical practices at the forefront of their businesses. Find out more about our story and how it works for more information about our ethical collections.
June 13, 2022 — James Browne